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Hardware IDExtractor
Hardware serial number extractor library

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Hardware IDExtractor complete demo - Source code


Download the free source code of the Hardware ID Extractor demo application v2 (see GUI screenshot below). Tested under Delphi XE.


hardware id extractor



UNIT MainForm;


  MemoryLoad    = 1;                                                         { Total memory used in percents (%)   }
  TotalPhys     = 2;                                                         { Total physical memory in bytes      }
  AvailPhys     = 3;                                                         { Available physical memory (bytes)   }
  TotalPageFile = 4;                                                         { Total page file in (bytes)                  }
  AvailPageFile = 5;                                                         { Available page file (bytes)                 }
  TotalVirtual  = 6;                                                         { Total virtual memory in bytes       }
  AvailVirtual  = 7;                                                         { Available virtual memory (bytes)    }

  CPU_Core1     = 2;                                                         { binary mask for CORE 1              }
  CPU_Core2     = 1;                                                         { binary mask for CORE 2              }




function GetCPUSpeed: Double;                      stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';
function CPUFamily  : ShortString;                 stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';    { Get cpu identifier }
function GetCpuTheoreticSpeed: Integer;            stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';    { Get cpu speed (in MHz) }
function IsCPUIDAvailable: Boolean;                stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';
function GetCPUID (CpuCore: byte): ShortString;    stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';
Function GetCPUVendor: ShortString;                stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';
function MemoryStatus    (MemType: Integer): cardinal; stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';   { in Bytes }
function MemoryStatus_MB (MemType: Integer): ShortString; stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';   { in MB }
function GetPartitionID  (Partition: PChar): ShortString; stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';   { Get the ID of the specified patition. Example: 'C:' }
function GetIDESerialNumber(DriveNumber: Byte ): PChar;stdcall; external 'HardwareIDExtractor.DLL';   { DriveNr is from 0 to 4 }






procedure TfrmMain.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);
VAR sPath: PChar;
 { HDD }
 lblHrdwHDD.Caption:= 'IDE disk drive ID (hardware): '+ Trim(GetIdeSerialNumber(0));
 if   lblHrdwHDD.Caption = ''                                                             { if disk 0 is invalid }
 then lblHrdwHDD.Caption:= 'IDE disk drive ID (hardware): '+ Trim(GetIdeSerialNumber(1)); { get the ID of the next drive }
 sPath:= PChar(DriveCombo.Drive + ':\');
 lblSoftID.Caption:= 'Partition ID: '+ GetPartitionID(sPath);


 lblCPUFamily   .Caption:= 'CPU Family: '+ CPUFamily;
 lblGetCPUVendor.Caption:= 'CPU Vendor: '+ GetCPUVendor;
 lblCPUspeed    .Caption:= 'CPU Speed: ' + FloatToStr( GetCPUSpeed )     + ' MHz (current)';

 lblCpuId.Caption  := 'CPU ID: '+ GetCPUID(CPU_Core1)
 {RAM }
 lblMemoryStatusMB.Caption:= 'RAM: '+string(ProcessPeakMem+ ' MB';           { in MB }




Note: This code was designed for v2 of our DLL but it should still work with v1.5.




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Hardware ID Extractor